Tom Every’s Forevertron
Sumpter, Wisconsin, United States
Tom Every (born 1938), also known as Dr. Evermor, worked in the wreckage and salvage business. He began collecting unique machine parts and eventually gathered thousands of materials. Foreverton, the largest sculpture in his environment, is 50 feet tall, 160 feet long, and weighs 320 tons. This work of art, along with other smaller sculptures, is intended to be used by Every to travel to “the celestial sphere” away from the “phoniness of this world.”
Isaiah visited the Forevertron site in 2017. Today, Tom Every’s wife, Lady Eleanor, solely oversees the area; however, Forevertron is currently in disrepair.
There is a piece of Forevertron installed in Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens, located above the first hallway in the sculpture garden. Tom Every and Forevertron are both included in the mosaic in the sculpture garden. PMG also purchased two objects from the Forevertron site during a trip there in 2017. They are made of similar scrap materials that also make up Forevertron.
Biography and photos
Video The Forevertron by Andrea Lötscher (25 minutes, 2001)
Book A Mythic Obsession: The World of Dr. Evermor by Tom Kupsh (2008)