Event Details
Event Date
Event Date: Sunday, January 12, 2025
Event Time
Event Time: 12:00 PM - to 4:00 PM
Event Description
Isaiah Zagar, creator of Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens, uses many donated materials to create art. Sometimes a donation sparked a fresh idea, like when Isaiah realized that bicycle wheels could become windows in the garden walls. The PMG education team follows Isaiah’s lead, coming up with projects based on donated materials, too. Today, we will be using donated magazines to create collages on a variety of donated surfaces, such as vinyl records and hardboard.
Learn how other donated objects became Isaiah’s inspiration during free tours of our fully mosaicked basement at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30 pm.
PECO Family Jams are PMG’s family-oriented programs, held on the second Sunday of every month between noon and 4:00 pm. Crafts and basement tours are included with regular admission to PMG. Purchase your regular admission tickets in advance.
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Location Details
Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens
Address for Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens
1020 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147